Kuraray Poval™ –Polyvinyl alcohol, PVA, PVOH
Kuraray Poval™ Products
Polyvinyl alcohol (polyvinylalcohol) has a variety of applications ranging from paper and textile industries to construction, adhesives and the oil and gas industry.
Kuraray Poval™ is water-soluble, has specific colloidal characteristics, excellent film-forming properties, and high tensile strength.
Elvanol™ polyvinyl alcohol is widely used in diverse applications such as adhesives for paper, wood, textiles, leather, and other water-absorbent substrates.
Exceval™ is the trademark of Kuraray’s halogen-free, hydrophobic polyvinyl alcohol.
Mowiflex™ is Kuraray’s polyvinyl alcohol-based polymer compound that meets the requirements of thermoplastic processing.
Finding the right product for your needs has never been easier. Just choose your application and our product finder will suggest possible grades for you.
Kuraray Poval™ polyvinyl alcohol is an innovative, transformative material that makes products stronger and smarter. Across industries as diverse as textiles and energy, its application enhances durability and improves performance.
Technical information about Polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH)
Kuraray Poval™ and Elvanol™ (PVOH) are manufactured by hydrolyzing polyvinyl acetate with caustic soda.
Contact Kuraray Poval™
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Kuraray Poval™ Biblioteca Brochures
General Brochures
Go to General Brochures
Paper and Packaging
Go to Paper and Packaging
Go to Ceramics
Go to Adhesives
Go to PVC
Oil and Gas
Go to Oil and Gas
Go to Cosmetics
Go to Textiles
Go to 3D-Printing
Injection moulding
Go to Injection moulding
Food Casing
Go to Food Casing
Japanese brochures
Go to japanese brochures
Go to Agriculture
Life Cycle Assessment
Go to Life Cycle Assessment
Polyvinyl Alcohol – Application Guide
Polyvinylalkohol – Anwendungsleitfaden
Polivinilo alcohol – Aplicación Guía
Basic Physical Properties of PVOH Resin
Kuraray Poval™ Brochure
Kuraray Poval™ Broschüre
Kuraray Poval™ – Una nueva era en el PVOH
Mowiflex™ – Combining Strength of Thermoplastics and PVOH
Elvanol™: Unlimited Possibilities with Polyvinyl Alcohol
Elvanol™ – unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten mit Polyvinylalkohol
Elvanol™ – Posibilidades ilimitades con el alcohol polivinílico
Elvanol™ as Binder/Water-soluble Film Former
Elvanol™ als Bindemittel/wasserlöslicher Filmbildner
Elvanol™ como aglutinante/formador de películas soubles
2023: Kuraray Poval™ – Life Cycle Assessment
2023: Kuraray Poval™ – Ökobilanz (german)
2023: Kuraray Poval™ – Life Cycle Assessment (spanish)
2021: Kuraray Poval™ – Life Cycle Assessment
2021: Kuraray Poval™ – Ökobilanz (german)
2021: Kuraray Poval™ – Life Cycle Assessment (spanish)
2022: Kuraray Poval™ – Life Cycle Assessment
2022: Kuraray Poval™ – Ökobilanz (german)
2022: Kuraray Poval™ – Life Cycle Assessment (spanish)
Barrier Coatings for Packaging
Barrierebeschichtungen für Verpackungen
Revestimientos de barrera para envases
Attractive Protection for your Food
Attraktiver Schutz für Lebensmittel
Protección atractiva para sus alimentos
Polyvinyl Alcohol Specialties for Paper Applications
Polyvinylalkohol-Spezialitäten für Papieranwendungen
Especialidades de alcohol polivinílico para aplicaciones de papel
聚乙烯醇 纸张的特殊性 应用
OBA Carrier and Co-Binder for Coated Paper and Board
OBA Carrier und Co-Binder für beschichtetes Papier und Karton
OBA Carrier y co-binder para Recubrimientos de Papel y Cartón
OBA Carrier and Co-Binder for Coated Paper and Board (Chinese Version)
EXCEVAL™ – A fluorine-free, biodegradable and repulbable Barrier for Polymer
EXCEVAL™ – Ein fluorfreies, biologisch abbaubares und wiederverwendbares Barrierepolymer
EXCEVAL™ – Un polímero barrera libre de flúor, biodegradable y repulpable
EXCEVAL™ – A fluorine-free, biodegradable and repulbable Barrier for Polymer (Chinese Version)
Elvanol™ in the Paper Industry
Elvanol™ in der Papierindustrie
Elvanol™ en la industria del papel
Kuraray Poval™ in Tissue Applications
Kuraray Poval™ in Tissue Anwendungen
Kuraray Poval™ en aplicaciones de tisú
Kuraray Poval™ in Tissue Applications (Chinese Version)
Exceval™: Solving Pain Points in Pet Food Packaging
Kuraray Poval™ / Exceval™ – Temporary Binder for Ceramics
Kuraray Poval™ & Exceval™ – Temporäres Bindemittel für Keramiken
Kuraray Poval™ & Exceval™ – Ligante temporal para cerámica
Specialties for Emulsion Polymerization and Adhesives
Spezialprodukte für Emulsionen Polymerisation und Klebestoffe
Especialidades para polimerización en emulsión y adhesives
Elvanol™ in water-based Adhesives
Elvanol™ in Wasserbasierten Klebstoffen
Elvanol™ en adhesivos de base acuosa
PVC Suspending Agents – Specialties for Polymerization
PVC suspendierende Polymerisation
Polimerización en suspensión del PVC
クラレポバール® 塩ビ懸濁重合用銘柄
Kuraray Poval™ for suspension PVC
Kuraray Poval™ Oil and Gas Applications
Kuraray Poval™ Öl- und Gasanwendungen
Kuraray Poval™ Aplicaciones para petróleo y gas
Poly Loc™ – Diverting Agent
Poly Loc™ Ableitungsmittel
Agente Desviador Poly Loc™
KURARAY POVAL™ – Biodegradable LV-Grades for Personal Care Applications
KURARAY POVAL™ – Biologisch abbaubare LV-Grade für Körperpflegeanwendungen
KURARAY POVAL™ – Láminas biodegradables para Aplicaciones de cuidado personal
Elvanol™ T-series for Textile Sizing
Elvanol™ T-Serie für Textilschlichtung
Elvanol™ Serie T para encolado de textiles
Elvanol™ in the Textile Industry
Textilien zum Leben erwecken – Elvanol™ in der Textilindustrie
Dando vida a los textiles – Elvanol™ en la industria textil
Kuraray Poval™ for Textile Sizing
Kuraray Poval™ für Textilien Schlichten
Kuraray Poval™ para encolado de textiles
MOWIFLEX™ as a water soluble support material for additive manufacturing
MOWIFLEX™ als wasserlösliches Trägermaterial für die addtive Fertigung
MOWIFLEX™ como material de soporte soluble en agua para la fabricación aditiva
MOWIFLEX™ – 3D Printing Guidelines
MOWIFLEX™ – Water soluble material for lost core injection molding
MOWIFLEX™ – Wasserlösliches Material für das Spritzgießen von verlorenen Kernen
MOWIFLEX™ – Material soluble en agua para moldeo por inyección de núcleo fusible
Mowiflex™ – A crucial Component for Food Casings
Kuraray Poval™ – PVOH Seed Coating Applications
PVOH-Saatgutbeschichtung Anwendungsbereiche
Aplicaciones para el revestimiento de semillas de PVOH
PVOH 蘆綾관擄壇痰
Kuraray Poval™ – Eco-friendly high-performance solutions for Agriculture Applications
Umweltfreundliche und leistungsstarke Lösungen für Anwendungen in der Landwirtschaft
Soluciones ecológicas y de alto rendimiento para aplicaciones agrícolas
Kuraray Poval㈌ - 크撚쥴堵돨뻔괏멕昑콘썩엄렘갭
Seed Coating with PVOH for Sustainable Agriculture
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